Catherine Giannitto

ポールスターピラティス オーストラリア・代表
Catherine has many years of training experience, both as a dance instructor (8 yrs) and corporate consultant (13 yrs) but decided to pursue a career in Pilates after sustaining a back injury that required ongoing rehabilitation.
She opened her Pilates Studio in Manly NSW in 2002 and not long after commenced her relationship with Polestar Pilates. Catherine is heavily involved in the Pilates community in Australia, being a committee member of the Pilates Alliance of Australasia. She understands the importance of on-going training and keeping up to date with the latest rehabilitative techniques.
Catherine has been conducting specialised pregnancy classes at her studio for over 6 years and her excitement in this area is even more fulfilled now that she has two small daughters.
Lochie Ngo

2003年にLa Trobe大学の理学療法の学士号を卒業し、その後、Post Graduate Certificate of Paediatric Physiotherapyを修了。2004年にNicholas氏, Darren氏, Dav氏, Alastair氏,Brent氏の指導のもと、コンプリヘンシブ・リハビリコースを取得。Professional Pilates Instructionの認定を受ける。現在はメルボルンにあるDynamic Stability Physiotherapy & Pilates Studioの共同ディレクター(partner and director)に就任。
旅と文化への興味から、2005年から2008年にイギリスとヨーロッパを旅する。その間、ロンドンの脊柱専門のクリックやロンドン周辺のフラムやハマースミス、ミドルセックスのラグビークラブで提携理学療法士として働く。武術の愛好家、また長距離ランナーとして、効果的かつ効率的なムーブメントの基礎のためには強いコアが大切と考えている。ピラティスの実用性を評価し、その価値を広めている。2010年にPolestar Pilates Australiaの教育チームに参加し、未来のインストラクターを育成する役割を果たしながら、彼らと共に学び成長を続けている。若い頃からピラティスの恩恵を受けられるよう、子供達にピラティスを広めることを目指している。
Loc graduated from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2003, then went on to complete his Post Graduate Certificate of Paediatric Physiotherapy. He joined the Polestar Pilates family in 2004 obtaining his Pilates Rehabilitation Certification under the guidance of Nicholas, Darren, Dav, Alastair and Brent. Loc recently completed his Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction. Today he is a partner and Director of Dynamic Stability Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio in Melbourne.
Loc’s fervor for travel & culture saw him embarked on a journey abroad to the UK and Europe from 2005 to 2008. During this time he had the opportunities to work as a Rehab Physiotherapist for a spinal clinic in Harley Street, London, and as an affiliated physiotherapist for the Fulham & Hammersmith Rugby Club, and the Middlesex Ladies County Rugby Squad. As a Martial Arts enthusiast and a keen long distance runner, Loc understands the importance of a strong core to provide a firm foundation for the execution of effective and efficient movements. He appreciates the practicality of Pilates and has been an ongoing ambassador the method.
In 2010 Loc became part of Polestar Pilates Australia Educating Team. An honourary role that allows him to nurture and develop future instructors, as well as to learn, grow, and thrive from the continual exposure to the industry and challenges from the upcoming students. Loc’s ambition is to bring Pilates into the Paediatic community so that young children could benefit from its concepts and principles at an early age.
Dawnna Wayburne

Dawnna Wayburne has been closely involved in the area of physical training for most of her life and, since early childhood, was trained in Ballet, one of the most technical and demanding of physical disciplines. Dawnna is a Registered teacher of the Royal Academy of Dancing as well as an Associate Diploma holder of the Imperial Society of Dancing.
Since 1973 Dawnna has trained intensively in the Pilates field and has, over the years, worked with Master teachers of universal repute some of whom worked with Joseph Pilates himself. Dawnna was the first to set up a combined Gyrotonic® and Pilates exercise studio in Asia in 1998.
Dawnna is the Education Director of Polestar Pilates Asia Inc., the Asian Licensee and a Principal Educator for the Polestar Pilates® Education LLC. She spends a considerable part of her time conducting in-house and external instructor training programmes in Hong Kong and other cities in Asia.
A true movement and training specialist, Dawnna attends seminars and courses in the fields of Pilates, Gyrotonic® (she is one of a handful of Authorized Master Trainers-authorized by Juliu Horvath to conduct Level 1 final Certifications) and other mind-body exercise methods on a regular basis all over the world. In November 2010, Juliu Horvath authorized Dawnna to conduct the full Gyrotonic Level 2 Training.
Alexander Bohlander

POLESTAR Europeのマネージングディレクター、オステオパシー、理学療法士、ホメオパシー、Pilatesマスタートレイナー。1995年よりホリスティックな理学療法とオステオパシーを統合したホリスティックなピラティススタジオを運営。2002年より‘Springs Cologne’ のオーナーとなり、現在3店舗展開している。Pilates- A Teachers´ Manual” の著者。
Managing Director POLESTAR Europe, Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Homeopath, Pilates Master Trainer.Since 1995 Practice for holistic physiotherapy and osteopathy with integrated Pilates Studio. Since 2002, owner ‘Springs Cologne’ with 3 branches ( International expert, author of the first textbook for Pilates training (“Pilates- A Teachers´ Manual” Springer Verlag).