2024年度、POLESTAR PILATESではオーストラリアとシンガポールからPOLESTARエデュケーターをお招きし、東京にて2日間のSummerワークショップを行います。

①Morning Mat Class Ⅰ /9:00-10:00 (1h)
担当:Joanne Bezzina
②Daniel Dittmer/10:00-13:00 (3h)
「胸椎を解く」“Unravel the Thoracic spine “
When improving our clients movement, the thoracic spine is one of the more important yet challenging areas of the body to work on. Restrictions in movement here often have repercussions in multiple areas above and below this amazing structure. Despite it often being a key area of focus It can often be notoriously difficult to achieve the movement we desire in our clients, particularly with extension and rotation. In this workshop, we will play on the mat and studio equipment to explore different strategies and ways of positioning and blocking our clients to facilitate movement where we want it. The exercises will primarily be mat and small prop based with some studio equipment applications.
③Joanne Bezzina /14:00-18:00 (4h)
「スウェイバック姿勢のためのプログラミング」”Programming for Sway Back Posture”
In this workshop, we shine a light on a common postural bias – the sway back/fatigue posture, and explore insights that go beyond repetitive cues or blanket corrections. By understanding the patterns associated with this postural bias, we equip instructors to effectively guide clients towards ease and enjoyment of movement, increasing strength and stability.
The approach of this workshop is rooted in empowerment, rejecting the notion of ‘fixing’ clients and instead embracing their potential when supported from the outset. This workshop also acknowledges the variability of posture and that it is a consideration rather than an end goal.
Aligned with the foundational principles of Mr. Pilates – whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath – this workshop aims encourage teachers to support their clients beyond the studio environment. While we include specific releases and exercises tailored to target challenging areas, our ultimate aim is to incorporate these intentions into whole-body programming strategies.
①Morning Mat Class Ⅱ /9:00-10:00 (1h)
担当:Daniel Dittmer
②Joanne Bezzina/10:00-13:00 (3h)
「土台を作るところから ー足部の観点から全身のワークアウトを創作するー」”From the Ground Up- creating a whole body workout from the perspective of the feet- “
クリエイティブで実用的なワークショップに参加して、ピラティスプログラミングのアプローチを足元から見直してみましょう。ピラティス氏の原理原則 -体全体の健康、体全体のコミットメント、呼吸- から着想を得て、このワークショップではしばしば見過ごされることの多い足部に焦点を当てます。
Step into a creative and practical workshop experience that redefines your approach to Pilates programming from the ground up. Inspired by the foundational principles of Mr. Pilates- whole body health, whole body commitment, and breath, this workshop places a spotlight on the often-overlooked aspect of our anatomy: the feet.
Through a series of targeted exercises and releases, participants will not only gain a deeper understanding of foot biomechanics but also learn how to seamlessly incorporate this knowledge into their broader Pilates teaching practice. We’ll reframe familiar exercises from differnt appartus, orientations to gravity and ranges of motion, empowering you to instruct your clients with a focus on foot fitness.
By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a set of strategies to enhance foot and ankle function, including tactile techniques. More importantly, you’ll grasp the art of structuring studio sessions to maximize the benefits derived from this holistic approach.
③Daniel Dittmer /14:00-18:00 (4h)
【前半2時間】「アニマル・フロー」”Animal Flow”
This workshop is an introduction to Animal Flow which will take you through various movements and transitions to experience movement In a new and challenging way. Daniel will take you through a class with a breakdown of each exercise and transition. You will then work together in small groups to create your own “flow”. Each group then has the option to perform their own “flow” at the end of the workshop.
【後半2時間】「組織応答をエクササイズに最適化する」“Optimising tissue response to exercise“
How much load is enough? Our goal for clients is often to get stronger, more flexible and improve proprioceptive awareness, but how much challenge will achieve that. How is it that bone, muscle and fascia adapt to exercise and how can we utilise this information to optimise programs for our clients?
・名称:KFC Hall Annex(第一ホテル両国内)
【2日間】認定員:120,000円 / 一般:130,000円
【1日のみ(7/27のみ、7/28のみ)】認定員:64,000円 / 一般:70,000円
※コース生、卒業生も認定員価格でお申し込みいただけます。お申し込みの際に必ず受講生番号(Student No.)をご入力ください。
・5月27日(月)までのお申込み [10%off]:【2日間】認定員108,000円/一般117,000円 【1日】認定員57,600円/一般63,000円
・6月27日(木)までのお申込み [5%off]:【2日間】認定員114,000円/一般123,500円 【1日】認定員60,800円/一般66,500円
・super band(or strong thera-band)

・小ボール: テニスボールなど
・ボール(pilates/chi ball): 半分空気を抜いた状態で両足部を同時にボール上に乗せられるものが望ましい
・厚めのゴムバンド2本: 足趾コレクター(矯正)として使用するため、大きすぎないものが望ましい
・small towel
・small ball: such as tennis ball
・one chi ball: preference that they can rest two feet on the semi-inflatable ball at the same time
・medium tension resistance band
・two thick elastic bands: not too big, they will be used in place of a toe corrector
◆お申込み・お振込締め切り 【7月12日(金)まで】